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Welcome to Code The World

We are a group of graphic designers and web developers trying to create a social network for the people, and not for the commercialization of said social network. One of the important points of this project is that all the graphics and code included on it will be released as public domain material.

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by DCLoser11

4 Welcome Thread

by Hornet

Code The World

Warning: Undefined array key "ATOM Feed" in /var/www/vhosts/ctw/extensions/portal_by_daris/index.php on line 70

Warning: Undefined array key "RSS Feed" in /var/www/vhosts/ctw/extensions/portal_by_daris/index.php on line 71

ok im making a website and im not real good at all this quite yet. i can pretty much tailor others free code to suit my needs however im lost right now.I own a repair shop and we been doing quite well. what im going for is this.

I want a website that has a simple login panel that allows users to look up a ticket number and get the status on a repair. notes ect.

Im building it from scratch i already started the sites layout. Im considering scraping what i have inorder to use a template system like joomla or wordpress or something but i have no experience with these setups. i was just wondering if it would be easier to start with a system that has mysql database calls and setups and a login system vs making my own? any ideas would be a blessing.

should i attempt to create my own database system or does anyone know of a simple login system i can tailor to my needs?

Posted: 2012-08-16 00:13:52 | Author: DCLoser11

While the Internet is full of websites and useless information, one of the most useful things you can find online is information and assistance on register for the GED or obtain a GED alternative, such as high school equivalency Diploma. When it's down vital how having a high school diploma or GED is in recession the current hit the economy, it is clear that using what is out there not only is useful but vital.
Lucky for you, if you have found this article by browsing your website somehow, perhaps you are sharp enough to navigate the Web to get a GED ONLINE.Take this skill can be useful in how openly mix flexibility the Internet has made everything, even people working two or three jobs and get their GED Online.

Posted: 2011-12-30 13:12:40 | Author: cainstevensehs

Working Example
Adobe CS4 project files

All you have to do is edit the Playlist.xml to your desires and you are able to have your own streaming media player big_smile

Iv included the .fla incase anyone would like to load it into flash and see what code was used and its functions

A working example is also included

Action script 2 code that was used
playlist= new XML();
playlist.onload = function (success) {
if(success) {
_global.songname = [];
_global.songfile = [];
for (var i=0; i<playlist.firstChild.childNodes.length; i++) {
_global.songname = playlist.firstChild.childNodes[i];
_global.songfile[i] = playlist.firstChild.childNodes[i].attributes.file;
trace(songname[i]+\" \"+songfile[i]); }
_root.sound_mc.sound_obj = new Sound();
_global.song_nr = random(songfile.length); _root.sound_mc.songStarter(songfile[song_nr],songname[song_nr]);
} else {display_txt.text=\"Error Loading XML\"}

MovieClip.prototype.songStarter = function (file, name) {
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if(this.sound_obj.position>0) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
} else {
this.sound_obj.onSoundComplete = function () {
(song_nr==songfile.length-1)? _global.song_nr=0 : _global.song_nr++;

Posted: 2010-05-14 07:25:53 | Author: DCLoser11 | Read more

Do you agree?  Not regarding of you agree with whether the proof is correct or you agree with its conclusion, but do you agree with the underlying logic behind his agrument?
So this is more of a logic behind the proof question.

If you want more info:ödel' … ical_proof

Posted: 2009-07-12 22:10:57 | Author: DuckofDoom

is not working at all.  the thing lags, more than my cat when you call it.

anyone have any experience with crossover?

Posted: 2008-09-12 01:59:46 | Author: MobileCats

I use to play WoW but it became an addiction. So I quit it after my wallet is empty. Since then I've been trying free MMORPGs, and I would like to share a few good oens with you guys. Rappelz is decent, but kinda reminds me of Lineage 2. Granado Espada just became free not too long ago, so I've been playing that. Bought Guild wars,so it technically wasn't free, and got tired of that lol. Tried Runescape, can't stand it. Any other good ones you guys care to share?

Posted: 2008-06-20 08:26:20 | Author: monkeydluffy

I had an idea recently.  I was thinking about how to access nested data links in an orthagonal array database, when it occurred to me that an efficient method method of retrieving these links would be to pre-organize the data queries into a nonlinear series, organized by the priority of the query in relation to the anticipated system resources at the expected time of fulfillment.  Do you guys think that would result in an increase in perceived performance?

Posted: 2008-06-18 09:40:20 | Author: Tired8281

What do you guys think? (Not that i really care if you like it or not) Im curious.

The first part is what i can remember from Jackass The Movie intro. And the second part is mostly that my spelling is bad or im to lazy to hit *Shift* for a capital letter or I say ppl instead of people.

Posted: 2008-06-16 21:19:20 | Author: crashtestdummy

I've been using Linux for a year now and I feel like I'm ready for something else. What distro flavors do you recommend?

Posted: 2008-06-16 01:56:17 | Author: phpnoob

When i use yahoo messenger on my macbook pro, the cpu usage goes up to 100% and the temp skyrockets from 28C to 60C...
has anyone else had this problem or can help me with this?

Posted: 2008-06-15 10:47:02 | Author: cabron2323

Currently used extensions: pun_admin_manage_extensions_improved, pun_poll, pun_quote, pun_bbcode, pun_repository, pun_tags, pun_admin_add_user, google_analytics, pun_eggdrop, pun_recaptcha.
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