Topic: mIRC software and versions

While I enjoy having new features and functionality with the ever increasing versions of this software, I must admit I like the the version way back when it was 6.21 and have fallen back to that version. Call me an old hat stuck in the mud, but I want stability with no bugs, and that is the most important issue I have with any software program.

You will continue to find me using the old version until somebody can knock my socks off with something really good and proven stable.


Re: mIRC software and versions

your an old hat stuck in the mud tongue

seriously though I understand your stability concern. I find 6.31 does the job for me, if only my internet connection was as stable. I usually only upgrade most software when I reformat unless i have problems with it or the new versions has a real handy feature that makes it worth the hassle.


Re: mIRC software and versions

That treebar got beat up with the ugly stick real bad.

Seriously though. I used to love mIRC until I switched to X-chat. I do miss the mIRC scripting though. That was perfect.

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